Monday, June 21, 2010


as the diva and i spent some time together this weekend, these are just a few things i heard....

as we were out and about shopping she spots something....
atlee: "look at this!"
me: "what?"
atlee: "a purse!"
me: "yeah."
atlee: "i have to have it....its sooooo cute."
i chuckle and keep walking and then turn around to find her following me with a purple hobo bag on her shoulder.

she is in my bedroom and i walk into her room to get something. she yells at me across the house and says, "what are you doing in my room?!?!"

its about 10:00 p.m. and someone is still not asleep. i go into her room to check on her and she rolls over to say....
atlee: "what?!?"
me: "you need to go to sleep."
atlee: "no, you need to go to sleep!"

seriously do i live with a 2 year old or a teenager?

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