Wednesday, June 9, 2010


we have been talking about ear piercing for awhile now and atlee kept telling me that she wanted earrings like mommy. being such a girly girl i knew that she was serious, but how was she going to react to having an ear gun punch a hole in her teeny tiny ear? so, i kind of just kept putting it off....until saturday when we were taking a stroll through sikes senter mall. we were actually about to leave when we passed by claires and i just stopped for a sec to look in there. i didn't even say anything and nana said, "you want to get her ears pierced don't you?" i told her to do some distracting while i go in and scope out the women who would be giving my daughter permanent ear jewelry. after interrogating these poor girls with question after question like "how long have you been piercing?"..."what kind of sterilization procedures do you have."...."can you tag-team and do both ears at one time?"...."is the manager here?"...."can she be involved?" i'm sure they pushed the silent button for "crazy mom alert"! either way, they made me feel a little less nauseous and i was ready to do this thang. so, as i walk out to get my precious baby i hear nana saying..."they are going to punch a hole in your ear and its going to be a little ouchy....not a big ouchy. it will only hurt for a minute." what?!?!?!?! oh i'm thinking its over now....she is not going to do this. surprisingly, she was still all for it! i guess at the young age of 2 she is already learning that sometimes pain is beauty. so long story short, she was a trooper. she sat so big in the chair while they prepped her and didn't squirm or fuss a bit. claire lady one began the countdown.....1-2-3.....done! a little delayed cry action for a few seconds and that was it! i was so proud of my little precious! needless to say, since this was not a planned event i didn't get pics to document this ordeal. here a few after the fact......
diamonds are a girls best friend!


  1. I wish you would have called me. Claires just happens to be one of my many college jobs. I have the lovely task of piercing many babies/little girl's ears. They are really careful about staying clean, steralizing, and doing a really good job. Looks great!

  2. HAHAH.. this is so precious! Chloe (Ashley's little one) just got hers done! We were all very young when we got ours.... it's just a process to be done! :) I'm very proud of you for going through with it! GO KELLI! Stephen still says... that is just MEAN! HA

  3. omg shes such the diva!!! i cant believe it! oh wait..yes i can. congrats on your new bling atlee. xoxo.

  4. I can't believe you did it! So funny that she wanted to have earrings so bad. :) Glad she did so good....they look great!
